
Showing posts with the label real estate property management

Top useful resources for your property management by Camden Management

Here we are publishing top useful resources for your apartment management. Which is published by the Camden Management, is a professional real estate property management company in Cincinnati OH. 1. 5 storage hacks for apartment living ➔ Here are five storage hacks that can help keep your belongings accessible and organized. 2. Expenses your business should budget for when leasing commercial space ➔ Here is a list of possible leasing expenses we think you should know about. 3. 8 tips to maximizing your apartment’s kitchen space ➔ Here are eight tips for maximizing your apartment’s kitchen space. 4. 8 tips to being a good apartment tenant with pets ➔ Here are a few tips to facilitating harmony between your pet and your apartment complex: 5. Why you should lease commercial space for your business ➔ Here are a few reasons why leasing commercial space would be a good choice for your business: 6. 5 things to look for in your next commercial property ➔ if you’re trying to

What to look for before you rent an apartment

If you’re looking to rent a new apartment, it’s important to know which questions to ask and what to look for before you sign a lease. Developing a checklist with key questions can help you narrow down your search and find the right apartment. Here are some of the things you should be looking for to help you get closer to finding your next new home. Safety Features You want to make sure you feel safe at home and one of the first things to look at when touring an apartment are safety features. Do the doors feature sturdy working locks and deadbolts? Continue reading ...

5 Ways Property Managers Can Help You Attract Great Tenants

Attracting the right tenants can be difficult, especially if you’re managing your property yourself. You want to make sure your renters meet your criteria, but running background checks and creating listings while overseeing your day-to-day operations can be exhausting and time consuming. Working with an experienced property manager can help you find the right renters and tenants for your property. From crafting listings and advertising your properties to running background checks on potential renters, property managers can play a vital role in helping you find your ideal renters fast. Continue Reading ...

Best Manufactured Home Communities In Ohio

Looking for a community that’s designed just for you? One that fits your lifestyle, offering comfort and amenities with plenty of nearby activities? Our manufactured home communities offer all of these and more and they’re just what you’re looking for. At Camden Management, we work hard to help you find the home that fits your lifestyle and your budget. Here’s some of the great homes we have to offer right now :

6 Benefits Of Using A Property Management Company

Owning and renting property can be a rewarding business, but managing your tenants, property upkeep and marketing can be exhausting and time consuming. Using a property management company to oversee your rental property can have huge benefits on your overall operations. These are just some of the benefits you can enjoy when you use a property management company: Marketing Your Properties Marketing is a full-time job and if you’re trying to juggle marketing your properties with tenant screenings, collecting rent, responding to tenants and doing routine maintenance, you may not have time to sit down and come up with a marketing strategy that will get you maximum exposure. Continue Reading ...